Monday, March 2, 2009

More on Holistic Values - My Own!

Dear True Blue Coaching readers,

So I've been looking at my own life, thinking about holistically applying my values. This is intense! I wonder what it would be like always to consider the lives of people and creatures and the life of the land itself.

I ask myself, if I'm so excited about this idea, what does that mean about how I live now, and what do I need to change?

How can I put my values into action?

Specifically, for instance, how must I care for the soil in my 4'x4' garden on the property I rent? Right now, there's a snowstorm shedding 1-3 inches of snow per hour. Lots of that will turn into ice. The ice will make the new cement porch treacherous. I wonder how the landlord's ice-melting product affects the soil. I know it hurts their dog's feet, poor thing.

And, be a steward of the land. That's what Wendell Berry's point was. I like Wendell Berry's values and vision, too.

So many things to consider and re-consider: Is being a steward of the land what I value? Well, of course, it is.

But how much am I responsible for? What is my vision for not just now, or the near future, but for the future of grandchildren not even conceived yet but whom I already love when I imagine them, for the future of the grandchildren's grandchildren, for the plants, the animals, the land, the soil, the microbes in the soil, for quality of the air, the water, the oceans, all humans.

It's the 7th generation idea. That's the big idea.

It's mind-boggling to think that far ahead.

I wonder what would happen if we all made our own holistic plans - starting with what we value so much we'd do anything to save, what's so incredibly dear to us not just outside of ourself but deep inside. Values that lead to vision. A vision, or joint vision, or community vision, or national vision, or world vision that's so compelling, so very dear to us that we must make considered decisions to be true to our vision.

What would it really take to have a holistic vision that's so big?

Individually, it might be overwhelming. But as individuals, we can start small, I think, by asking ourselves, "What are my values? (Are those really my values?) What must I do to live by my values? What is my own personal vision? How do I make a plan to reach that vision?

And what actions will I take to stay true to my deepest self, my values, my vision?

It's not like I haven't done this before. I just haven't done it on a holistic level. So. One step at time.... first values, then vision, then a plan, then action. What does that give you? True success. True blue success. That's what living your True Blue life is. Why live any other way? Well, lots of people choose not to. Or maybe they don't know how.

I love helping people figure out their true values, and basing their lives on those values. That's part of my coaching practice. Email me for a no-cost, no-obligation coaching session - all done by phone. 30-40 minutes of deep reflection - and fun, too.

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